Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Observation of my Own Use of Technology (Blog Post #5)

                For this blog post I observed my own use of technology throughout a day at school. I will be going class by class and telling you how I used technology in each class. The types of technology I used throughout the day were my phone, and my computer. I used my phone to text and use social media, and I used my computer to type out some homework and check my email. When I took out my phone I spent less than five minutes on it, and I used my computer maybe for two hours in between classes. I used my phone primarily in the first ten minutes of class and in between classes.
                 In my first class, geology, I used my phone to look up answers to a rock/mineral crossword puzzle. I also took a quiz on JetPunk.com because our class was on a ten minute break from class to get breakfast, go to the bathroom, or just stretch our legs. We also used technology in the form of a PowerPoint and microscopes. In my second class, English, I didn’t use my phone at all because I know that my professor doesn’t stand for use of cell phones in class at all. We did, however, use a PowerPoint in that class. In my third class, history of Mexico, I didn’t use my phone at all because I really like that class and I am always very intrigued to learn more. We used a PowerPoint to learn more history. In my final class, math, I used my phone to text my sister because it was her birthday, and I regularly checked the time because I really wanted class to end because I was really tired. In between classes I would listen to music, read some of my tweets, go on Instagram, and look at pictures on the Internet.
                I found out that I really check the time a lot. And that I used my phone at times when it wasn’t necessary or needed. I think that I used technology in a good way, other than texting during class. In the future I plan to use my phone less and pay attention more in class.

From Google.com - This image shows an IPhone with music on it. 
I usually listen to music in between classes.

Observation of a College Student's Use of Technology (Blog Post #4)

                For this blog post I observed my fellow students to see how they used technology in the classroom, between classes, in the computer lab, and while they were hanging around campus. In the classroom the most common use of technology would be the cell phone, followed by the computer. Most students who were on their phones were completely oblivious to the world around them, and it was very obvious to me that they were going to fail their classes. Students who were on their computers during class were most of the time taking notes about what the professor was saying, but there were those few who used it for fun and were not paying attention at all. Student’s use of technology between classes comprised mostly of them listening to music and blocking out the outside word, or texting away like there was no tomorrow. In the computer lab most of the people I saw were doing some school work, or something related to school work. There were a few, however, who opted to use it for socializing by using Facebook. Students hanging around campus used technology the same way that students use it when they are walking between classes, or trying to kill time between classes. They would be listening to music, or texting someone, or other various forms of social media be it Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. During my observations I saw that the students who were using their phones or computers were the ones who looked like they didn’t care two squats about school, while the ones who were paying attention were the ones who looked like they were very studious and committed to graduating.

From Google.com - This image shows some of the more popular
social media sites that students around campus were using.
From Youtube.com - This video shows how different students 
use technology in their daily lifes.

Interview with a Professor About Technology in the Classroom (Blog Post #3)

                For this blog post I interviewed a current Arizona Western College professor. I interviewed a geology professor that has been at AWC for many years now. I asked him many questions regarding the use of technology in his classroom. I chose this specific professor because I knew he would have a strong opinion about technology. I asked him if he had previously experienced any problems with technology in the classroom. He said that he was lucky because most of his student were respectful and didn’t use their phones during class. He also said that the students of today have a great tool in front of them, but that they wasted it on socializing and other non-educational activities. When I asked him if he thought technology was more helpful or more harmful to college students he had this to say “technology is great, but students need to learn how to use it.” I asked him if he thought technology in the classroom had any pro's and con's, and he said yes. Form the pro's he said that it allows him to teach more effectively and that it allows faster access to information. For the con's he said that it was a big distraction and that it allowed students to cheat. For my final question I asked him if he had ever had to discipline a student for using technology during class he said this “Yes I have. But my rule is: its fine with me, it doesn’t bother me if you decide to waste your time and money and not pay attention. But if I get any complaints, then you have to put it away.”

From Google.com - This image shows one of the con's the
professor told me about, cheating.

 From Youtube.com - This video shows how students waste their time
and money by not paying attention.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Interview with a Student About Technology in the Classroom (Blog Post #2)

             For this blog post I interviewed a current student at Arizona Western College, she will remain anonymous, but for the remainder of this blog post will be referred to as Rose. I asked Rose many questions, mainly about how she felt technology helped or harmed college students. She had a very strong opinion that college students these days are misusing technology in the classroom. On the issue of technology in the classroom she had this to say “Technology has become a distraction and an obstacle for students today.” Rose said that students mostly used technology to socialize, and that it distracted them from what is really important: learning. She said that the college students of today say they can multitask and be on their technology at the same time that they are supposed to be learning. But that that is hardly ever the case. Most college students are horrible at multitasking and in the end they end up paying full attention to their phones or laptops instead of paying attention to their professor. Most of the things she had to say about technology in the classroom were negative in nature. She did; however, say that technology is good because it allows easy access to a ton of information that you wouldn’t normally have access to. But that this was a double-edged sword because a lot of the information on the Internet may not be true at all. She says that the students of today don’t utilize technology to its fullest potential, instead opting for fun and vanity.
From Google.com - This image shows how only some of the students are
paying attention and how others are distracted by technology.
From Google.com - This image shows a student using a website on his phone
 instead of doing his work.
From Youtube.com - This video shows how technology can
 be a distraction to today's students.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Is Technology Good or Bad? (Blog Post #1)

To many people technology is God’s gift to humanity. It allows people to communicate over long distances, learn things faster, it even saves peoples lives. But many people ask themselves “Is technology causing me to lose as much as I gain?” To me this question is meant to make people think about how they use technology and if it’s for the good. They should ask themselves if they are harming their lives with technology, instead of technology helping them live easier lives.  Technology can cause people to lose touch with reality. With so much going on around, they may not notice things are changing if they are constantly staring at a phone or computer screen.  Technology also causes people to forget things that shouldn’t be forgotten. For example, I could never memorize all the contacts on my phone. However, technology can be a blessing to many, especially college students. College students need technology to help them during difficult courses. They could use a flashcard app to help them memorize for a big test, they could use the Internet on their phones to look up things in an instant, or they could even use technology to help them locate the nearest library. Technology is necessary for most college students these days. But just because it helps them doesn’t mean it can’t harm them. Technology to college students could be a distraction from their studies. It can also be a source of cheating. But overall I think it makes their lives so much less stressful during a time of their lives when daily stress is at an all time high.
From Google.com - This image shows how we can use technology to
 help us learn.
From Google.com - This image shows just how much technology plays a part of
the everyday student's life.
 From Youtube.com - This video shows how the teachers of today
can use technology in the classroom for good.

Introduction/About Me

My name is Eduardo Granados. I was born on May 18th, 1994 in La Habra, CA. I moved to Yuma when I was less than one year old, I’ve lived here ever since. I’m a freshman at Arizona Western College. I’m currently perusing an AGEC-A degree with plans to transfer to the University of Arizona to study Political Science with an emphasis on international law/relations. My dream is to one day work for the any of UN offices in London. At AWC I want to broaden my knowledge of everything politics. I want to read more books on international affairs, read about foreign wars and their causes, and how diplomacy can always prevail.  I love being a college student. College students have the freedom to do what they want, when they want. They choose their own classes, which I love. It’s so unlike high school you were told what to do and what classes to take by your councilors. To me being a college student is a matter of family. I am only the second one in my family to go to college, and the only one to have a scholarship. As a young adult that grew up in the digital age technology is very important to me. I use my phone everyday, I use the Internet everyday, and I email things daily. I also use technology to play strategy games online, to learn more about different countries, and random historical events. I want to use technology to help me learn. Technology also allows me be who I want to be, it allows me to be free.   
From Google.com - This image represents my past.

From Google.com - This image represents the present.
From Google.com - This image represents my future.
 From Youtube.com - This video has a lot of things that 
I agree with, specifically that colege students need 
technology in school.