Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Interview with a Professor About Technology in the Classroom (Blog Post #3)

                For this blog post I interviewed a current Arizona Western College professor. I interviewed a geology professor that has been at AWC for many years now. I asked him many questions regarding the use of technology in his classroom. I chose this specific professor because I knew he would have a strong opinion about technology. I asked him if he had previously experienced any problems with technology in the classroom. He said that he was lucky because most of his student were respectful and didn’t use their phones during class. He also said that the students of today have a great tool in front of them, but that they wasted it on socializing and other non-educational activities. When I asked him if he thought technology was more helpful or more harmful to college students he had this to say “technology is great, but students need to learn how to use it.” I asked him if he thought technology in the classroom had any pro's and con's, and he said yes. Form the pro's he said that it allows him to teach more effectively and that it allows faster access to information. For the con's he said that it was a big distraction and that it allowed students to cheat. For my final question I asked him if he had ever had to discipline a student for using technology during class he said this “Yes I have. But my rule is: its fine with me, it doesn’t bother me if you decide to waste your time and money and not pay attention. But if I get any complaints, then you have to put it away.”

From Google.com - This image shows one of the con's the
professor told me about, cheating.

 From Youtube.com - This video shows how students waste their time
and money by not paying attention.

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