Thursday, November 29, 2012

Interview with a Student About Technology in the Classroom (Blog Post #2)

             For this blog post I interviewed a current student at Arizona Western College, she will remain anonymous, but for the remainder of this blog post will be referred to as Rose. I asked Rose many questions, mainly about how she felt technology helped or harmed college students. She had a very strong opinion that college students these days are misusing technology in the classroom. On the issue of technology in the classroom she had this to say “Technology has become a distraction and an obstacle for students today.” Rose said that students mostly used technology to socialize, and that it distracted them from what is really important: learning. She said that the college students of today say they can multitask and be on their technology at the same time that they are supposed to be learning. But that that is hardly ever the case. Most college students are horrible at multitasking and in the end they end up paying full attention to their phones or laptops instead of paying attention to their professor. Most of the things she had to say about technology in the classroom were negative in nature. She did; however, say that technology is good because it allows easy access to a ton of information that you wouldn’t normally have access to. But that this was a double-edged sword because a lot of the information on the Internet may not be true at all. She says that the students of today don’t utilize technology to its fullest potential, instead opting for fun and vanity.
From - This image shows how only some of the students are
paying attention and how others are distracted by technology.
From - This image shows a student using a website on his phone
 instead of doing his work.
From - This video shows how technology can
 be a distraction to today's students.

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